For a long time supervision has been an integral part of both continuing education and training and quality monitoring of the practice of the relationship professions (coach, manager, counselor, etc.). In coaching, supervision is the obligatory crossing point for demanding professionals, in addition, of course, to continuing education. It allows the active professional to call one’s own practice into question, to continue training, to ensure good ethical and deontological standing, and by making this approach public, reassure and thus strengthen one’s relationship with his/her customers.
My history as a supervised coach:
In my work as a coach since 1999, I was overseen by the greatest supervisors in the region: Dr Francois Balta, Dominique Baumgartner, Laurent Oddoux, Teresa Garcia Riveira, Michel Moral… their guidance inspired me to follow their example and become a supervisor myself.
I also underwent the Unidici supervisor training, an esqa certified training by the EMCC, with Florence Lamy and Michel Moral who encouraged me and gave me approval to start working as a supervisor on my own. Together with other supervisors in 2012, we launched the association of supervisors (PSF) of which I am the former founding president.
Our goal: to contribute to the professionalization of the job of supervisor.
My supervision style:
Having followed many schools of thought (Behaviorism, NLP, AT, systemic analysis, Gestalt, Ecole du Paradoxe, hypnosis, inner dialogue, personal development, improvisational theater…),A caring and a very strong non-judgmental perspective, a relevant and offbeat analysis.
I integrate philosophical and psychological influence with practical business experience from my career in finance (our beliefs toward money, our relationship with success…).
- A provocative yet positive form of feedback provides an added value: I use the Seven Eyes « framework » developed by Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet which is highly effective and allows to cover the different systems in its analysis and questioning process.

I pledge to comply with the code of ethics of PSF: