« I decided to undertake a coaching with Gilles Dufour after yet another period of exhaustion, confusion and profusion of unprofitable projects. The choice of the coach was obvious, knowing his professionalism, his know-how and the way he integrates his old professions in finance, business, personal development and the various high-level training he voraciously follows for years… »

Marie Gulin VP
Global Integrated Communications, L’Oreal Paris.
« Gilles has accompanied me for the last 3 years. It has been a great support to achieve high performances while keeping a strong work-life balance. Gilles is a great mentor with both empathy and efficient guidance. I highly recommend working with him. »

Reza Kaci.
« I’ve heard a lot about coaching before and I’ve always stayed quite refractory. My encounter with Gilles proved just the opposite to me. He allowed me to not only challenge and reenergize myself but also allowed me to improve myself.
I decided to call on Gilles’ services, after the recommendation of a friend, in July 2013.
Coaching sessions were very intense, Gilles made me repeat exercises until the achievement of the expected result. He has a very direct approach and he always refocused me on the key points, which I liked very much.
This coaching taught me to better present and value myself as well as identify my priorities. Gilles has also taught me to listen to myself: we worked on my body language, my voice in order to better engage my interlocutors. I came out of these sessions pretty pumped up. Without Gilles, I would have probably failed to brilliantly pass a series of interviews (9 in total) to become the manager of an international bank in Monaco.
So naturally I want to recommend Gilles and his team. »

Guy Anastase.
« Je trouve que sur le fond, ton style de supervision repose, entre autres, sur :
– traiter et positiver l’essentiel,
– (re)cadrer et agir en miroir
– faire prendre conscience en (re)cherchant le sens caché ou en regardant sous des angles différents.
– valoriser ce qui est accompli La forme repose sur une formulation et un questionnement directs, simples, rapides, précis, et une bonne disponibilité. Il en résulte un balayage exhaustif et efficace de la situation donnée, des problèmes éventuels à résoudre, des points de vigilance à couvrir.
Je recommande 🙂 . »

Cathy Lemer
Responsable pédagogique,
« I had the sensible idea, a few months ago, to ask Gilles to accompany the new team that I put in place…
The same day, I appreciated the availability of Gilles, hi flexibility in taking the group as he did and his accuracy in response to my request.
Four months later, I’m even more delighted than my colleagues refer to the results achieved at the end of this day of start-up led by Gilles, they saw in the choice of the coach that I did indeed give a real gift to the team.
They still thank me to this day for my choice and for what the firm but gentle energy of Gilles made possible in this first day… and during the 4 months which followed. »

Christophe Bichet.
« Gilles Dufour – an exceptional MENTORING support.
We work together for about a year, and at each session, one thing is certain: that of a frank, sincere and authentic exchange that is rooted in the present moment and part of where I am now.
I know that I can rely on his mirror feedback and his fair and insightful expertise to clarify in the Present, my past and my future… which allows me every time to move forward faster with Pleasure and Enthusiasm, with an Entrepreneurial energy rooted in my body… just like the confidence in myself which allows me to take action!
Learning « savor the success » was a key lesson that Gilles was able to pass on to me.
Nothing but time saved thanks to meeting him. Call him, it will be your best decision of the month! »
Christophe Bichet.